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yeah!! isZzzz.. moH??!!
hi!! i'm nekka ..my true anD full naMe is venecar
pajigaR,, but i like to be call "NEKKA"..... i'm just simpLe yet someTiMes
terriBle...hehehe.. juSt kiDding,,,i'm a niCe peRson ... that's for
reAl!!!...and i'm jusT 16 and in 4th year high..i'm foNd of saying baD
woRds(wahahahaahaa).. i jusT can't heLp my seLf..
ilove cRackIng sOme joKes,
♥loVe eAting wHile haVing chItcHat with the guRls...aNd soMe of my
crAZy for baDminToon,,,(hahaha),
i jUst ♥love pLayiNg the
i love aPril aNd gaNgx,,they are, the bEst paLs,. evah!!!!
we realy♥love dOing cRazY thingS ...even in pubLic pLaces,,..
"i thoUght we fiLipiNos aRe Just thIs "cRaZY"...tHat is wHat i tHinK!!!!hahai
i liKe txTing hahaha...buT i doN't like txtMates..we nad my friends have our group which we call

Here are the members:
♣junafe(newest in the group)
But loSseRZ call us
and proud to say,
were all venusias..hahahaha....
♥ math...it's so challenging!(hahaha feeler noh?) nyc man gud mag solve2..hehehe

-But the best thing about me is that i love my family, more than any thing in this
world!that i will do anything just to make them happy an pleas them!

-i'm a GOD
fearing person.. and believe that GOD exist, an he made me for who i am.. i'm so
thankful for all this bleasings that i have...

Who I Want to Meet:
i wanna meet!uhmm santa claus..if will meet him, i would really ask for my gifts first!hahahahaha..the one that he forgot to sent
me!wanna meet every person in this crazy world..and get to know and make friends
with them!sounds nice right???could that be possible?HOW I

FRIENDSHIP is an unwriten

promiz.. not givenby pledge

nor any writen documents...

InsteaD, i'ts a promiz based on


that is writen in the ♥ heart!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

....me and soMe of mY cRazY cLassMates!!!

....we rEaly dAre to sIt in The pEbBles.. jUst to

tAke tHis.. pictUre!!!

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a cute Diifinition of Love

a cute DifiNitiOn oF loVe fRom an 8 yEar olD schoLl boy:

"loVe is when.. i canT pay atTention in tHe clAss..

Because i'm bUsy wriTing HER 1st name..

with my sUrname!"

How CUte righT?

I don’t like finding trouble or faults with anyone. I’m just straight forward and direct. Sorry if anybody is offended by me... it isn’t of any evil intention.